How does a story survey work? You know well that these platforms are decisive for having a clear and interactive comparison with people. There is a need for discussion, and community management becomes an important session for the overall strategy. Social media marketing is about action and confrontation, not just publication of content.
But they must be managed in the best way when you work on Instagram. This social network leaves us with a new combination of intercepting contacts. Today, we will discuss the stories, and here you can create narrative flows of visual storytelling. People can listen, watch, and leave coded reactions. For some time now, there is also a survey option. But before going to any survey you must have a good amount of followers, here are top websites to buy Instagram followers in 2022.
What are Instagram story polls
Do you know Instagram Stories? By this name, we mean the channel parallel to the official stream of images and videos made of episodes. Just like a narrative event made up of separate but intertwined moments, the story is a flow of visual and textual content with limited time.
You can add images and clips, and above these elements, add text or hashtags, geolocation, and, in fact, surveys. That is to say, widgets that allow you to express an opinion on a question you want to ask your followers on the social network.
This in relation to visual content that you have published, but not necessarily, if you leave a homogeneous background in the story, you can use the question with a text without any link with photos or videos.
How to carry out a survey on Instagram
How does this solution work to interact with Instagram followers? Very simple, add a visual on the stories by tapping on your avatar and then on the sticker icon. Here you have a list of items to add to the story.
How to view the survey results
Can you see the data after sharing the question? Of course, it’s not just you. Followers can start voting and see results in real-time, but it’s clear that you have more solutions. This can be useful for studying the choices. To see the results of the survey, you need to scroll up with your finger to open the list of followers who have interacted with the poll on Instagram. What results can you get on this list? You will see how many votes each option had. This way, you compare the ratings and get more information than your audience’s tastes. Be careful; this is not forever. Just like the story, the survey and its results disappear after 24 hours.
You can create surveys with emojis
How does emoji polling work? Very simple, the widget activates like the previous one only that you can now give a value to the question, without choosing an option. Moving the icon to the right increases the potential of opinion.
Here’s how emoji surveys work.
In this case, you can see the results of the public who expressed their opinion, no longer as an option but as a level of the bar. You can decide which emoji to use to communicate with the public, and at the same time, you have the possibility to define the question behind everything.
Instagram: how does the survey work?
It is a tool to get closer to the audience. By planning his activity on what are the most interesting conversations. You don’t have to work at random but by focusing on already known themes, which attract comparison. Can an Instagram survey be a web marketing tool? Of course, attracting virtuous interaction is always a good way to retain followers. And this means reaching concrete goals for an Instagram strategy, do you agree?